Tool Chest
Do you have an item you are attached to? I sure do. Maybe there is a way to put it to work for you again in a useful way. For example…
Back in the day when I was the TV remote at the whim of my brother, we had a TV in a cabinet, as many did around that time. The TV died and was replaced, but the cabinet it came in was something I was just unable to throw away, so it sat for a little while until I thought of a way to re-purpose it. After some thought, I added a dozen drawers to it, some solid casters, a shelf at the bottom, and a rigid backing to keep it square, but upon closing, it looks otherwise original.
This is the tool chest that I still use, though I’m running out of room in it…
It’s hard to believe TV’s came in cabinets like these, but they did, and now it is something that is still useful to this day.
So, customization and thought can make something useful out of a classic piece of work.
Have a project of your own? Call Mike at 780 862 8586 and we can discuss it into existence.