About Us
Ideations innovations is a company which avoids a restrictively defined mission, and while this might seem abnormal (and we’re sure it is), it is this that makes us unique. With no desire to pigeon-hole our services, the name was chosen specifically to represent the thought that whatever can be imagined, must therefor be possible. Outfits that specialize only in one particular product or service may overlook the entirety of a situation, to the detriment of the whole.
Through a lifelong attempt to become self-sufficient in every way possible, I’ve acquired a vast range of skills as I move ever closer to becoming the “renaissance man” of lore.
In clearer terms, I do all our home maintenance. I purchased our home in 1999, and during the last 24 years, a lot of issues have made themselves apparent, and provided their incentives to learn. The very first of these was a lesson in foundation repair and patching, which is still water tight today, after all this time. Thank God… that was awful.
Whether is it car maintenance, furnace repair, plumbing issues, renovations, roofing, tree removal, foundation repair, or anything else that comes up, I have done my best to take control of these issues so that I can assure myself of the quality of workmanship, and contain costs wherever possible. There is simply no one else who cares as I do about the outcome of the work done in and around my home, and this is the type of ethos that I carry with me onto every job that I do. There is no ‘scabbing it together’ in my repertoire. Every job needs to be enduring.
This attitude kept me in work for 20 years in Local 1325 of the Carpenters Union, until I yearned for more consistent work around home, at which point I began to reinvent myself locally, and age with a little grace. There are only two things you own in this life… One is your name, and the other is your story, so I take good care of them both.
Such is the continued adventure which has now become Ideations Innovations.
May I be ever curious, and you the beneficiary.